Art Attack 2: A (Nearly) Dead Idea

Another College Story! Here goes…

In my sophomore year of College, during the spring semester, I found myself nearly being burnt out, or somehow just plain falling apart (A feeling that has yet to fully go away).  It was during that time that I figured that I needed to do something.

So I wrote a film script. I wanted to capture the feeling of swashbuckling adventure, and to do it in a crazy awesome manner. So I wrote a story involving a space pirate, trying to marry the baroque period and the nature of space (In other words, something like Treasure Planet, with some modicum of logic in the ship design, complete with an original story).

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Art Attack 1: Old Theatre Posters

Welcome to my new segment: Art Attack, where I post random bits of art that I have done, either for myself or others. I don’t expect this to be a regular thing, but I hope to post more art in the future.

If there was on thing I wish could come with us into the new year of 2018 (at least as of this post) is my now-defunct Alma Mater, St. Gregory’s University. It felt so strange that such a place, established in 1875, should expire in such an undramatic fashion.

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