Welcome to my new segment: Art Attack, where I post random bits of art that I have done, either for myself or others. I don’t expect this to be a regular thing, but I hope to post more art in the future.
If there was on thing I wish could come with us into the new year of 2018 (at least as of this post) is my now-defunct Alma Mater, St. Gregory’s University. It felt so strange that such a place, established in 1875, should expire in such an undramatic fashion.
Speaking of drama, one of my favorite things about the university was the fact that I had the wonderful opportunity to perform many plays, something that I haven’t done in quite some time.
My Theatre Teacher there would often have me design posters for some of the plays, and I figured I would share my work, here with you, whoever you may be. I may not be a great like Da Vinci, or Michelangelo, but I managed to keep my Theatre Teacher happy with what I provided.
So without further ado, please take a look and enjoy my Theatre Poster work. Click on any to get a closer look.